English Ivy Synopsis:
Finally, contemporary romance for women over forty!
After a solid career as an economist working at the US Embassy in London, forty-two-year-old American Ivy Cross is ready to jump to the bigger paycheck of the private sector and finally make time for a relationship.
Madrid-based tech superstar Ruben Alegre both infuriates and intoxicates her, and if he only lived closer she'd consider risking her heart.
When the opportunity for an incredible new job in Berlin arrives in the form of sexy Christof Brandt, she wonders if the offer is too good to be true. Her Late Bloomer friends are split down the middle, offering support but no clear decision.
Will she find a future with Ruben? Start a new life in hip and gritty Berlin?
There are no easy answers, but Ivy can't deny that her life is about to change in a very big way.
Betsy Talbot Bio:

She is the host of The Quickie Romance Podcast, a weekly show highlighting excerpts from the best romance books in every genre. She’s been told she gives good audio.
Her latest project is The Late Bloomers Series, a five-book romance series about women in their forties. Because women with experience make the best characters—in life and on the page. Download a free Late Bloomers adventure right now at BetsyTalbot.com.
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Quickie Romance Podcast (iTunes): https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-quickie-romance-podcast/id1000372995?mt=2
Website: http://www.BetsyTalbot.com
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