Ring In A Cowboy Box Set
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iBooks - http://apple.co/1OF5shY
Kobo - http://bit.ly/1OF5zdh
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Authors Donna Michaels and Lexi Post are joined by bestselling and award-winning authors Amanda McIntyre, Tori Scott, Gem Sivad, Kathleen Ball, Hildie McQueen, Rhonda Lee Carver, and Victoria Vane to bring you nine sexy cowboys in this New Year's collection that will warm you from the inside out. Ring in a Cowboy.
Donna Michaels - Wine and Her New Year Cowboy (Book 4/Citizen Soldier Series) A Going no male resolution excludes cowboys. http://donnamichaelsauthor.com/
Lexi Post - Trace’s Trouble: Last Chance Series #2 - A divorced cowboy, with nothing left but his pride, runs into trouble when he has to evict a feisty woman who understands animals better than humans and carries a Glock named Sal. http://www.lexipostbooks.com/
Kathleen Ball – A Kiss at Midnight - Will Anora accept Maverick’s Heart? Only a long awaited New Year’s kiss at midnight will tell him. http://www.kathleenballromance.com/
Rhonda Lee Carver- A New Year's Cowboy- Charlie has suffered tragedy, but a Christmas package offers hope and a cowboy. http://www.rhondaleecarver.com/
Amanda Mcintyre - Lost & Found - Fate gives first love a second chance. http://www.amandamcintyresbooks.com/
Hildie Mcqueen- New Year with You- A modern Cinderella type story with a humorous twist. http://hildiemcqueen.com/
Tori Scott- Cowboy Masquerade - A New Year's Eve masquerade party reveals more than anyone expects. http://toriscott.blogspot.com/
Gem Sivad- Cowboy Burn- She slides down an icy road and lands in the arms of love. http://gemsivad.com/
Victoria Vane – A Cowboy’s Midnight Kiss – Almost the moment she arrives for a holiday at a renowned ski resort, recently divorced Cassidy Cantrell breaks a boot heel, sprains her ankle, and gets swept off her feet by a blue-eyed Wyoming Rancher. http://www.victoriavane.com/

A Cowboy's Midnight Kiss by Victoria Vane
(Ring in a Cowboy Anthology)
Mini Blurb
VICTORIA VANE – A Cowboy’s Midnight Kiss – Almost the moment she arrives for a holiday at a renowned ski resort, recently divorced Cassidy Cantrell , breaks a boot heel, sprains her ankle, and gets swept off her feet by a blue-eyed Wyoming Rancher.
She lost her drawl and traded her 501s for Roberto Cavalli, but she’s still a simple Carolina country girl at heart.
Cassidy Cantrell sacrificed her own dreams to become the wife of a world renowned heart surgeon. But eight years later, she knows it’s over. Divorced from the man of her mother's dreams - Cass has to face up to the fact it's time to move on. Looking to get away to a place where she can reclaim herself, she accepts an invitation to spend the holidays at a posh ski resort. But almost the minute Cassidy lands in Jackson Hole, she breaks a boot heel, sprains her ankle, and gets swept off her feet by a smoking-hot, blue-eyed Rancher.
He never could have imagined his soul mate would show up in stiletto heeled boots.
Jilted by his fiancée a couple years ago, Wyoming rancher Griffin Stone splits his time between a family ranch and managing investment properties in the ski resort town of Jackson. But something is missing. After placing his own desires on hold to look after his military brother's family, Griff longs for happiness of his own. But a rich, city girl from Florida who sprains her ankle after her boot heel breaks?
"Sweetheart, boots like that are only good for one thing...and it sure ain't walkin.'"
He thinks he has the city girl all figured out, but the more he learns about her past, the more he believes she just might be the woman of his dreams.

The drive from St. John’s Medical Center to the condo complex at the base of Snow King Mountain took less than ten minutes. Cassidy gazed up at the rugged peaks, carpeted in white and casting a great shadow over Jackson Town Square. “Wow. It really is gorgeous here. And the sky is so much bluer and clearer than back home. It’s almost always hazy in the Smokies.”
“You’re gonna love it here, Cass,” Liz said, “Even with the sprained ankle.”
Liz dropped Cassidy and Mandy at the front of the building. The condo unit was on the second floor and the twenty some steps were a bitch to manage on crutches even with Mandy’s help. Throwing the crutches over the guardrail with a curse, Cassidy grabbed the banister with both hands and tried unsuccessfully to hop up the steps.
“Can I help you, ma’am?” The rumbling baritone struck her senses like warm brandy and sourwood honey. Cassidy turned her head to face a pair of riveting blue eyes shaded by a wool Stetson hat.
“Thanks for the offer,” she replied. “But I’ll manage.” She gingerly shifted her weight onto her right foot with a gasp of pain. The next thing she knew both her feet were off the ground as he swept her up into his arms. “What are you doing?” she protested.
“Carrying you,” he replied.
“I don’t need to be carried!”
“If Griff wants to play Sir Galahad,” Mandy chimed, “you should just let him.”
“So you know this guy?” Cassidy asked Mandy over his broad shoulder.
“Yeah.” Mandy grinned. “He takes care of the place for us.”
“Oh. You could have told me,” Cassidy said, feeling embarrassed.
“Which apartment are you staying in?” he asked.
“Number? I don’t know. Mandy?” she called over her shoulder. “Which one are we in?”
“Two twelve. She’s staying with us, Griff,” Mandy answered.
“This really isn’t necessary,” Cassidy protested. “I can manage on the crutches now.”
“What crutches? The ones you threw over the rail?”
“They’re awkward as hell,” Cassidy grumbled. “But you really can put me down now.”
“I could at that,” he answered and kept walking. “But I’m more inclined to take you inside.”
“Are you always so autocratic?” she asked.
The cowboy flashed a dimpled grin that made her pulse skip a beat. “Usually only with my six-year-old nephew.”
Cassidy glowered. “Are you comparing me to a child?”
“If the shoe fits… He cocked a brow. “Speaking of which…” He glanced down at her single remaining stiletto-heeled boot. “You might want to reconsider your footwear.”
“I already threw the other one away,” Cassidy replied. “The damned heel broke off. That’s what landed me in the E.R. I paid a fortune for those boots too,” she lamented.
“Sweetheart, heels like that are only good for one thing…and it sure ain’t walkin’.”

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