Damon DeMasters is a vampire warrior who has taken an oath to not only protect his own kind, but humans as well. Crimson Rush is the new drug on the streets and it’s their duty to find who is behind the selling of vampire blood and stop it.
As a social worker, Nicole Callahan fights for the right of every child placed in her care. There’s a war now as vampires have stepped out into the spotlight taking their place in society and the children are at the heart of it all.
Damon and his fellow warriors have been ordered by the Vampire Council to train Nicole and her colleagues against the dangers they now face in their new world. Even as sparks fly and tensions mount, Nicole and Damon depend on each other to protect the children of both races.
This is the first book in the protector series.
I bought this print book at a signing.
Nicole works for DCF, but it's a special division. They place human children and vampire children in homes and look out for there welfare. Damon is a VC warrior, he protects both human and vampires. A new drug called crimson rush brings these two together. They are selling vampire blood to humans so they can get high off it. In order to do this vampires are turning children in order to take there blood. Nicole knows what it feels like to not have a home, or anyone who loves you. She has made it her life to help as many kids as she can never feel that way including the new vampire kids. Things are getting more dangerous for everyone so the warriors are sent to teach them to protect themselfs. As soon as Damon and Nicole are in the same room Damon knows this women will Change his life, if he can only save her from herself. Will they be able to have a future when there not even the same species? Will Damon have a choice in the matter? And who is after Nicole?
I am in love with this series. Move over twilight, cause you have just been out done. Teresa will grab you on the first page and not let go till the very last line. I read this book in one day. I couldn't put it down. They charters are fun, smart, and intriguing. There was not one dull moment in the book for me. This book is being added to my list of favs. It truly blew me away.
Breaking into the famed VC Warriors compound was definitely not the smartest thing Tessa Pride has ever done, but she will do anything for her brother, Adam. The Warriors held the one person she knew was responsible for her brother being turned into a half-breed and nothing will stop her from getting what she needs to help her brother, not even a Warrior whose eyes could make her melt with one look.
Jared and Tessa join forces in a desperate scramble to find who is responsible. With a war between Warriors and half-breeds brewing, suspicions of traitors in their midst put the lives of everyone involved on the line.
This is the second book in the protector series. While you are not left with cliffhangers, I would suggest this books be read in order.
This is a paranormal book.
Jarod is the same fun loving guy was before, but when a fiery red head and her brother break into the interrogation room to kidnap chad every protective instinct he has will be awakened. Tessa is use to taking care of herself, after a ruff past. She depends on no one. After finding her best friend with her fiance, she trust no one. Jarod must pull out all the stops to earn Tessa's trust. Which is going to be difficult with someone trying to build a half breed army, and they are trying to use Tessa as there breeder. Sparks will fly cause as know no one messes with a VC warrior or there mates.
Once again I am blown away. Jarod was my favorite from the first book. His story did not did not disappoint. Jarod is always making Tessa laugh and I love it. The sparkle line may have been my favorite cause the Cullen's don't stand a chance in the running with these VC warriors, who are my new hero's.
Leader of the VC Warriors Cincinnati branch, Duncan Roark, has devoted his long life to the Warriors he calls brothers and the Vampire Council, protecting innocents of both the vampire and human race. Things change suddenly when it is ordered that he and his fellow Warriors train human Social Workers to protect themselves in their new world of vampires. Falling in love with a human was something Duncan never thought possible, but love her he did. Now instead of being the ruthless leader he was trained to be, his focus has turned to finding the woman he loved and let go.
Pam Braxton is outgoing and loves her job working with children, but when she realizes her live in boyfriend, Kenny Lawrence, has been using her and her job for his illegal activities, she becomes withdrawn, and her world is turned upside down. Deciding to take matters into her own hands, she stays, trying to learn more of his betrayal so she could see him punished. That decision sucks her deeper into a relationship that has turned dangerous and abusive. Overhearing a plot that would put everyone she cares about at risk, she finds the courage to try to stop the monster who has threatened her friends and the man she truly loves. Now Pam is on the run, alone and with a secret that could change the already unbalanced world of vampires and humans.
As Duncan searches for Pam, the threat of losing his leadership role has the other Warriors worried, but their loyalty for Duncan is strong and they stand behind him. Duncan’s search is relentless; he knows he is not the only one looking for Pam. Even with his responsibilities slipping, he puts it all on the line to find the only woman he has ever loved. In a race against time, Duncan fights to find Pam before her past catches up to her. The Warrior’s path is clear: Find the woman he loves before the past finds her first.
Duncan is beside himself since Pam took off. He will stop at nothing to find her. Once he has her he won't be letting her go again. Pam is staying away. She knows if she goes back Kenny will kill everyone dear to her, especially Duncan. When the guys get wind that the girls are meeting Pam Duncan finally gets his chance to get his Pam back. Nothing anyone does or says will stop him. When he finds her she has a big surprise for him. Still fighting the crimson rush problem, someone building an army of half breeds, and now they have to deal with human trafficking the VC worriers have there hands fun.
This was another amazing story by Teresa. Not only was this a page turner of action, it also had me laughing so hard at times I thought I might burst. There are also scenes that made my heart flutter or ripped my heart out. I love the way this series is going, each book is about a different VC worrier but the others are never left out. You still see what's going on with the worriers from the other book, not just appearances here and there I love it. If you haven't read this series yet you are missing out.
Renowned for his playboy lifestyle and wisecrack remarks, Sid Sinclair knows he is the last pick for the lead investigator of human/half-breed trafficking. Never one to play by the rules, Sid takes his new position seriously, but not without driving the leader of the VC Council and fellow Warrior’s crazy.
A human with a special gift, Lana Fitzpatrick’s life is complicated. When Sid Sinclair charges into her life, her complicated life becomes torturous; his charm and wit draws her in like no other. Having dealt with alpha men most of her life, she is a match made in heaven for the VC Warrior who thinks he is God’s gift to women.
As the world of vampires and humans try to coexist, Sid and Lana’s lives intertwine. It doesn’t take long before the sparks between the two fly and for them to realize they have both finally met their match.
Teresa Gabelman is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the 'Protectors Series'. When not writing about sexy alpha vampires and the women who drive them crazy she can be found on a lake with a fishing pole/Kindle, at a MMA event or spending a fun evening with family.
This book is the fourth book in the Protectors Series.
I read the print version of this book I got it at a signing.
Sid is the one with all the smart comments for every situation. He keeps everyone on there toes and can put a smile on anyone's face. He is the lady's man of the group, he will never be tied down by a mate like the others, but with everyone else finding there mates around him Sid feels something is missing. Sid never believed there would be someone for him. Then Lana shows up, and Sid can't believe she's real. Can Sid really have what the others have. Lana is human but she is special. She talks to dead people. No not vampires the other kind of dead. Lana is a detective trying to solve the human trafficking problem going on. Her skills may be just what the VC worriers need to figure things out, but will Sid be able to protect her from something he can's see? Will Lana be the first person to love Sid for who he is? More importantly will Slone kill Sid for being the wise cracker he is.
This one was not what I expected at all. I got to see a whole new side to Sid the strong series side. There is nothing not to love about Sid. He is funny, protective, loving, and believe it or not have a series side. Lana is just perfect for Sid she loves him, but doesn't put up with his crap. I love the way the characters connect. These story flow so nicely and there is never a dull moment.
Half-breed vampire, Adam Pride, has an almighty chip on his broad shoulders. Trying to move on after finding Angelina married to another, Adam has a decision to make. Remove the chip and move on or kill the man who took what he wanted most in the world, his Angel.
With his heart in pieces, Adam’s on a mission to become the best VC Warrior he can be. It’s not long before fate steps in, turning his world and life as he knows it upside down. Shocking revelations will realign allegiances and draw the VC Warriors onto a new path. This journey is not Adam’s alone. Every Warrior, half-breed and human will be affected by what is to come. The unknown awaits. The battle has just begun.
This book is the fourth book in the Protectors Series.
I read the print version of this book I got it at a signing.
Sid is the one with all the smart comments for every situation. He keeps everyone on there toes and can put a smile on anyone's face. He is the lady's man of the group, he will never be tied down by a mate like the others, but with everyone else finding there mates around him Sid feels something is missing. Sid never believed there would be someone for him. Then Lana shows up, and Sid can't believe she's real. Can Sid really have what the others have. Lana is human but she is special. She talks to dead people. No not vampires the other kind of dead. Lana is a detective trying to solve the human trafficking problem going on. Her skills may be just what the VC worriers need to figure things out, but will Sid be able to protect her from something he can's see? Will Lana be the first person to love Sid for who he is? More importantly will Slone kill Sid for being the wise cracker he is.
This one was not what I expected at all. I got to see a whole new side to Sid the strong series side. There is nothing not to love about Sid. He is funny, protective, loving, and believe it or not have a series side. Lana is just perfect for Sid she loves him, but doesn't put up with his crap. I love the way the characters connect. These story flow so nicely and there is never a dull moment.
Highly trained VC Warrior, Dr. Slade Buchanan’s, role between lifesaver and lifetaker has been a constant battle, but nothing prepared him for half-breed VC Warrior trainee, Jill Nichols. Slade realizes his struggles from the past were nothing compared to the difficulty of resisting the woman who could never belong to a man like him.
Being the only female VC Warrior recruit, Jill Nichols, has an uphill battle. Falling for the sexy doctor, Slade Buchanan, has not made the battle any easier, especially when he constantly reminds her and others there will never be anything between them. Working harder than any male recruit, obstacles are thrown in her path, and with each challenge, it becomes clear that the two things she wants most may never be.
This is the 6th book in the Protectors series.
I bought this book at a signing.
It is strongly recommended you read these books in order.
Slade (Dr. McHottie) knows Jill is his. We all know Jill is his. The question is how long can they fight it. Slade is her trainer and with Jax being brought in, and Slone warning Slade, he's not sure how long he can fight his need to make Jill his. Slade believes he can make it till she becomes a worrier. With the human trafficking going on and Alice engaged to the mayor everything is about to blow up.
I'm not giving to much away on this book. It is simple a must read, as is the whole series. The thing I love about these book is each book while telling each worriers story continues from where they left off so the first book is continued in all of the book as is the other worriers story's. Slades story started before his book and was unbelievable to read. There is nothing about this series not to love. The only thing I will be sad to see is the end, but we are not there yet so I will be on pins and needles waiting for the next book in this awesome series.
Releases August 18, 2015
After a devastating blow, the VC Warriors find themselves fighting, but not an enemy they can see. Their power and expertise alone cannot save the ones they love.
Breaking new and old laws, one Warrior is determined to save his mate no matter the consequences, but will his mate agree to be his downfall.
No Warrior or main character was seriously injured during the writing of this book.

Being a full-time writer has allowed Teresa to connect more with readers which is what she loves most about writing. If you find the time she would love to hear from you!
Thank you so much for not only reading, but reviewing and posting to your wonderful blog. It is so appreciated and I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the Protectors I have planned! Hugs and thank you again! :)